Institutional WaSH

  • Ensure inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene services in all health facilities 
  • Strengthen Infection prevention and control interventions in health facilities
  • Promote provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services and practices in schools including Menstrual hygiene management 
  • Promote provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services and practices in other health related Institutions

Personal Hygiene

Personal Hygiene

Ensure sustainable hand hygiene practice through targeted behavior change approaches coupled with advocacy of conducive enabling environment  

  • Improve Face washing and oral hygiene practices through tailored pro-motion and social and behavior change communication. 
  • Strengthen Menstrual Hygiene practice through culturally tailored social and behavioral change communication coupled with increasing access to safe and affordable products. 



End open defecation practice through tailored social and behavior change communication coupled with advocating the needed ena-bling environment.

Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Adolescent Health Desk


Population in Ethiopia: 

Based on population projections of the Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency (CSA) for 2016, adolescents and youth in the age range 10 to 29 numbered 38,545,711 (19,466,543 males and 19,079,177 females). This age group accounted for an estimated 42 percent of the total population of Ethiopia, while those aged 10 to 24 are 33 percent of the population. The majority of Ethiopian adolescents and youth reside in rural areas (79 percent of males and 78 percent of females). The percent of adolescents in rural areas increases among those in younger age groups.

Family Planning

Family Planning

The Family Planning case team plays a prominent and pivotal role in contributing to the improvement of the health indices of the country as well as the achievement of the Health related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The Mission of the case team is “to promote quality services and empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their health, thereby promoting healthy lifestyles and enhanced quality of life of Ethiopians.”

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)


Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program offer a range of services for women of reproductive age living with or at risk of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B virus to maintain their health and stop their infants from acquiring HIV ,Syphilis and HBV. PMTCT services should be offered pre- conception and throughout pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding and has been identified as a viable intervention to reduce these infections through a four prong approach with their corresponding strategic interventions:

Maternal Health

Maternal Health

Overview of maternal health in Ethiopia

Ethiopia made a striding change in maternal death over the last decades, the MMR decreased from 871 per 100,000 in 2000 to 401 per 100,000 in 2017 , this is death of about 12,000 mothers every year.  Direct obstetric complications account for 85% of the deaths. The long-term conditions disable women following delivery-related complications, such as fistula, uterine prolapsed, chronic pelvic pain, depression and exhaustion.