1. I participated in last year’s ERMP, but I was not matched. Can I use my previous year ERMP account for this year registration?
No, you can’t. You should have a new account for ERMP 2024.
2. I couldn’t find the ERMP portal?
Please go to the ministry’s official website www.moh.gov.et, or to the official Facebook site.
3. I did sign up properly, and I got a message to check my email. But, when I checked my email, I couldn’t find any email message from ERMP. What shall I do?
If you don’t find it under “inbox”, then please check your “spam” folder under “more”
4. I have served for more than 7 years as a health professional in rural Ethiopia, and then for the last 1 and half year as a GP. Is there any way my previous years’ experience can be considered?
Unfortunately, No. Your work experience before you become a GP will not be considered for ERMP registration.
5. Can I attach my work experience which I had in a private clinic?
Yes, of course, you can attach for registration.
6. I have more than one year managerial experience at a private health facility. Would I have a chance of affirmative action consideration?
NO, affirmative action is considered for those applicants who have served as a GP and at a managerial position in a public facility for at least one year.
7. I am working in a private clinic for the last four years, and I’m planning to do my residency. Would MOH sponsor me?
Unfortunately, No, if that is the only experience you have. But if you have served previously in any government facility for at least 2 years, and if you fulfill other criteria,, then MOH will sponsor you. As of this year, MOH will sponsor only those candidates who served in a public facility for at least 2 years.
8. I have a 2 years-service as a GP but for the last 1 year I’m running a family business, thus I’m not serving as a GP anywhere. Can I register on this year’s ERMP and apply for MOH sponsorship?
You can register on this year’s ERMP since your service year is sufficient , but you need to find a sponsor. MOH will not sponsor you since you are not currently an active employee as a GP.
9. My interest is to do residency on psychiatry and only psychiatry. Do I have to choose another 2nd specialty just for the sake of registration?
No, you don’t have to do that. If you wish to choose only one specialty, you can choose just one. Having a second choice of specialty is not mandatory at all.
10. The choice of my specialty is given only in two places. How can I add the 3rd choice of place?
If the specialty is conducted in only two places, then the system itself will not ask you the 3rd.
11. Which medical checkup I need to do so that I’ll not have any trouble in case I get matched?
Please refer to the ERMP 2024 guideline (Annex 2)
12. How can I make sure that my documents that I attached are able to be opened or not?
When you upload, please use just pdf or jpg or npg formats to attach.
13. I am a GP lecturer in a university. Can my colleague or one of the professors write a recommendation for me?
Not at all. A recommendation should be written by your employer or immediate supervisor, such as a college dean, or a school dean or at least a department head (in your case).
14. I’m a self-sponsor, and right now I’m not working anywhere. From where shall I get a recommendation letter? Who is supposed to write it for me?
The organization where you’ve been working for the last time should write the recommendation.
15. I am a general practitioner and currently working as a medical director of a public hospital for the last ten months. Isn’t my service sufficient for managerial position affirmative?
Unfortunately, it’s not sufficient for this year’s ERMP. It should be at least 1 year.
16. Can I make a payment of application fee using online banking? What if I use someone else’s account to pay for the application fee? Can somebody else make the payment on my behalf?
Yes, whoever pays, It is acceptable as long as the applicant’s name appears on the narrative part of the receipt. If not, it will not be acceptable.
17. Will my payment for application fee be refunded if I get disqualified during screening or if I am not selected as an eligible candidate for the exam for whatever reason?
No, the application fee payment is NON-REFUNDABLE. So make sure that you are an appropriate applicant before you make any payment.
18. I’m done with my registration, and I am waiting for my application to be confirmed. But my application status is on PENDING for more than three days, and I’m afraid my choice of exam hub will be taken by other candidates. What shall I do?
Verification (screening) is done as per the order of registration. So you don’t need to worry, as long as your application is not screened by the ERMP team. But, once verified, your status will be changed, and then you need to act accordingly. If your status is NOT ACCEPTED, you’ll be given the reason for not being accepted in a box.
19. How can I remove the wrongly attached document and re-attach the proper one?
Just click the edit button next to each attachment and then you can replace the attachment as you wish.
20. I’ve attached all the required documents, but my application status is NOT ACCEPTED. From the 952 team I was told that it’s because I am not eligible for MOH sponsorship. What shall I do?
Look for another sponsor, or be self-sponsored (if you can afford), or come back next year.
21. I have changed my name officially. The name I have on my degree is different. What shall I do?
Together with your documents, please attach the official letter with decision from court.
22. I was told that my application was discarded because it has been on NOT ACCEPTED status for more than three days. What am I supposed to do?
Unfortunately, you are obliged to register as a new applicant from where the queue has ended.
23. I know someone who has been registered for ERMP, and our name is totally similar up to grand father’s name. We both are worried that our application might be considered as duplicate, and we would be disqualified. Is there any means to avoid this?
Yes, of course. The ERMP team will check out your documents (degree and license) whether
they belong to one person or to two different persons. No worry.
24. What if the hub I wish to choose gets full by the time I choose it?
You just select your next choice of hub.
25. Can I change my choice of exam hub after I selected already a hub?
Yes of course, until you finally submit your application. But, after you submitted your application, there is no way to access your application to edit.
26. What if I forget to click submit? What will happen to my application?
Your application will be considered as DRAFT, means not-complete, means not acceptable.
27. Is there any way that I can proof that I really did submit?
Yes, of course. You can print or save the final submission confirmation page in pdf.
28. Can I edit my name, working address or my sponsor during the one week editing time?
No, you can’t. During that week of editing (following the exam), you can edit ONLY your choices of specialty and place. All the other gates will be INACTIVE (not editable).
29. I was matched and I joined a residency program last year which I terminated it after few months’ attendance for personal problem. Can I register this year?
No,you can’t. You’ll have to wait for next year.
30. I was matched last year, but I did not show up at all to the university to where I was deployed for some personal reason. Can I register this year?
No, you’ll have to wait for next year. Once you were matched last year, no matter whether you were admitted by the school or not, you are not eligible tp compete in this year’s ERMP
31. Are foreigners allowed to apply for the ERMP program?
Yes, but they should be included in a scholarship scheme between the two countries, or if it’s on individual basis, he/she should bring a support letter for scholarship on specialty training from the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Education
32. I’m currently working as a GP in one of the emerging regions mentioned in the guideline, and I fulfill for registration. Am I eligible to be included in a quota given to emerging regions?
Yes, as long as your name is listed in the official letter to be sent to MOH from your RHB for this particular purpose.
33. What should I do, after knowing my exam result (which is too low), if I want to be allowed to be registered in next year’s ERMP, and not to be matched this year?
Just drop a letter to MOH (ERMP Team)in person or through the 952 hot line declaring that you don’t want to be included in the matching competition, then you’ll not be included in the to be matched list. Then you’ll be allowed to be registered next year.
34. I am a GP and an academic staff of a university since 2019. But my university officials are not willing to sponsor me this year for some reason. Can I be sponsored by MOH?
Unfortunately, No. This year MOH will not sponsor all candidates who are currently working in higher learning institutions, or ministry of defenece, or federal police, or federal prison. Such candidates are expected to be sponsored by their own mother-institution.
35. I am an Ethiopian, but I was graduated in a foreign country and had my service for 3 years as a GP there before returning back home. Can I register? If so, am I eligible for MOH sponsorship?
Yes, you can register as long as you produce evidence of equivalence from ETA for your degree, and if you can upload all the remaining attachments accordingly. But, on what regards to MOH sponsorship, you are not eligible, since you don’t have an experience serving in a public facility for at least 2 years. Public means here at home.