Our Vision
To see healthy, productive and prosperous Ethiopians.
Our Mission
“To promote the health and well-being of the society through providing and regulating a comprehensive package of health services of the highest possible quality in an equitable manner.”
Our Values
• Community first
• Integrity, loyalty, honesty
• Transparency, accountability, and confidentiality
• Impartiality
• Respect for law
• Being a role model
• Collaboration
• Professionalism
• Change/innovation
• Compassion
The overarching objective of HSTP-II is to improve the health status of the population by realizing these four objectives:
1. Accelerate progress towards universal health coverage
2. Protect people from health emergencies
3. Woreda transformation
4. Improve health system responsiveness
Powers and Duties of the Ministry according to proclamation no. 1097/2018:
1. Formulate the country's health sector development program; follow up and evaluate the implementation of same;
2. Prepare the country's health services coverage map; provide support for the expansion of health infrastructure;
3. Support the expansion of health services coverage; follow up and coordinate the implementation of health programs;
4. Provide appropriate support to promote research activities intended to provide solutions for the country's health problems and for improving health service delivery;
5. Follow up and coordinate the implementation of national nutrition strategies;
6. Devise and follow up the implementation of strategies for the prevention of epidemic and communicable diseases;
7. Take preventive measures against events that threaten the public health; in the events of an emergency situation coordinate measures of other stakeholders to expeditiously and effectively tackle the problem;
8. Expand health education through various appropriate means;
9. Ensure adequate supply and proper utilization of essential drugs and medical equipment in the country;
10. Supervise the administration of federal hospitals; collaborate on the capacity building activities of the federal university hospitals;
11. Collaborate with the appropriate bodies in providing quality and relevant health professional trainings within the country;
12. Ensure the proper execution of food, medicine and health care administration and regulatory functions;
13. Lead the national social health insurance system and oversee its implementation;
14. Direct, coordinate and follow up implementation of the country's health information system.
Executive Offices
- Ethiopian Public Health Institute
- Ethiopian Food & Drug Authority
- Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency
- Armauer Hansen Research Institute
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Regional Health Bureaus