Mehal Meda Hospital, which was disrupted by the terrorist group, has started providing medical services with the support of Menelik II Hospital and the local community, said Workneh Zewde, General Manager of the hospital.
He said the hospital is providing service for an average of 150 to 200 patients a day and additional support is required to fully restore the hospital.
Mrs. Askale Gezahegn and Mr Beleyu Kasaye, whom we met while getting service at the hospital, said they were concerned over the termination of their outpatient follow up care and that they are relieved the service has started again.
According to Mrs. Askale, she was scheduled for her antenatal care at the hospital and said she was worried about the hospital being terminated due to the war. After that ordeal, she said, she was able to deliver her baby safely with the help of the hospital's medical staff.
Mr Beleyu on his part thanked the health professionals, the government and the donors for providing the necessary medical care.
Dr. Zewdu Arega, Mehal Meda hoapital’s staff, said that the hospital has started providing services after the invasion by the terrorist group, adding that the disruption of ambulance services has affected maternal and emergency health services.