Dynamic ICT solution for highest caliber powers digital systems and paperless environment in the ministry and its regional health bureaus.
Offer cutting-edge, high-quality, and environmentally responsible ICT solution and services that satisfy the Ministry's goals for infrastructure and paperless operations.
MoH and RHB’s workforce is our greatest asset and we are entrusted with serving a diverse population with advanced information technologies.
We value excellence, effectiveness, efficiency, honesty, decency, and meritocracy in all of our endeavors.
We make an effort to perform our jobs with devotion, professionalism, self-respect, order, accountability and institutional commitment.
Information Communication Technology Executive Office Roles and Responsibilities
- Create an ICT strategies, digital strategies, and master plan that are in line with the mission of the Ministry based on the nation's information communication technology strategy.
- Introduction the expansion of ICT services and solution in MoH working environment and its integration with other ICT infrastructures outside of MoH.
- ICT Executive Office plays vital roles in the areas of data accumulation and computation, information exchange, communication and filling the ICT digital literacy for ministry workforce and regional health bureaus staff’s.
- Admin and technically support Ministry’s email, website and social media to frequently adopt new procedures to guarantee that staff’s and consumers are receiving correct and up-to-date information.
- Strengthen, improve ICT Infrastructure in the ministry to host new and adopted solutions and systems for the Ministry and RHB’s
- Setting ICT directives and implement to standardize ICT resources utilization, procurement and disposal.
- Oversees the development of network infrastructure, adopt that to implement properly, and makes it readable for the responding institutions and regional offices.
- Administer and monitor ICT infrastructures, resources and applications to provide a secure, reliable and accessible services.
- Implement, monitor and control cyber security threat in ministry’s internal and external system by applying organized modern security techniques and software to find potential threats.
- Strength, improve and administer data center for hosting applications, provide secured, reliable and available ICT services, solution’s, systems, backup and restoration of data in MoH ICT environments.
- Train ministry’s staff while using the ICT services and create awareness on proper and ethical usage of ICT resources and new application and technologies.
- Develop and deploy different user applications and tools.
- Support the departments of the ministry who are engaged in procurement of ICT goods and services.
- Advice the higher officials and top management on issues related to ICT.