The Maternal, Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) directorate is one of the Directorates under the State Minister's office for Programs. The directorate is composed of six case teams namely; Family Planning, Maternal health, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), Newborn and Child Health, Immunization and Nutrition case teams.
The directorate implements the major priority programs of the Ministry of Health in maternal, child health and nutrition issues, and contributes to the mission and vision of the ministry.
Guiding principles of the overall programs under the Directorate
- Country ownership, leadership and accountability
- Equity and Accessibility
- Community engagement, empowerment and ownership.
- Integration
- Partnership
- Efficient use of resources
- Innovation and use of technology
- Responsiveness
- Evidence based decision-making
- Quality of health care services
Roles of the Directorate
- Provide direction on Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, AdolescentHealth and Nutrition (RMNCAHN) programs, interventions and activities
- Provide technical support to regions and health facilities as per their request
- Respond accordingly to RMNCAHN related equipment, supplies and commodities request from regions and facilities
- Work in collaboration and partnership with other governmental organizations and ministries with regard to RMNCAHN interventions
- Advocate for the adoption of RMNCAH and nutrition friendly policies and evidence based interventions
- Mobilize resources for RMNCAH and Nutrition interventions
- Work in partnership with development partners, bilateral and multilateral organizations, NGOs, civil society organizations to reduce preventable maternal, newborn and child deaths.
- Review and respond to project proposals relevant to the RMNCAHN activities submitted by the non-governmental organizations, professional societies and associations
- Provide supportive supervision, monitoring and evaluation and track performances in accordance with the national plan.
- Provide immediate response to the needs and requests of clients/ service users
- Provide appropriate information to individual and organizations which seek to work together and implement the plans of the directorate.
Good Governance and the Civil Service Development Army
Good Governance
Good governance is among the main movers for the productivity of each case team and the officers of the directorate and hence the implementation of the Health Sector Development Strategies. The bottlenecks hampering the practice of good governance in the directorate are identified and a plan is made to tackle them through the collaborative effort of the director, case team coordinators and each case team officer. To see the good governance plan of the directorate click GOOD GOVERNANCE.
Health Development Army
The goalof the development army at the Ministry of Health is to make primary health care accessible to the public with equity and quality. The public will be the core contributor for health promotion, disease prevention and the curative services so that a healthy, productive and prosperous society is created.
The army is built based on a dynamic and continuous approach to bring all its members to be able to implement the goals of the directorate/Ministry through series of planning, implementation and evaluation processes. This approach aims to build empowered and effective teams who can transform the sector by delivering their plans with quality. The development army has platforms used for information sharing, addressing challenges, monitoring of progress and evaluation of achievements. These forums are:
- Case Team forum (1:5 networks)
- Transformation Forum
- Directorate Forum
- Council Forum (at Ministry level)
- Executive Forum(at Ministry level)
- MOH and Regional Bureau joint Forum (Joint steering committee)at Ministry level.
- Case Team forum
- The network comprises of case team officers and their secretaries and is led by case team coordinators in each team.
- The network will discuss all activities being performed in the case team and critically evaluate the progress of flagship projects.
- The network evaluates its activity against its weekly plan during daily meetings.
- Each network member strives to work to its highest possible potential and to do so a support will be provided from each team member.
- Whenever a network team member faces challenges and lags behind the other network team members will provide support to achieve the planned target
- The network has a weekly meeting to evaluate major bottlenecks, solutions and challenges and compile a detailed report for the transformation forum.
- Transformation forum
- This forum is the heart of the transformation process whereby major decisions, plans and undertakings are shared and decided at this level.
- This forum meets every week; it is comprised of the director, the case team coordinators and best-performing staff, andis lead by the director.
- During its meeting the forum evaluates the performance of each case team, will identify and put solutions for identified gaps in knowledge, skill,attitude, supplies and governance.
- It also analyses and forwards bottlenecks and challenges that cannot be solved by the forum.
- The forum also provideswritten response to reports submitted from the 1:5 network
- The forum also critically evaluates plans, reports and implementation of programs of the directorate.
- Directorate Forum
- This platform caters all staffs of the directorate and convenes every 15 days.
- It is chaired by the director of the directorate.
- This platform mainly addresses good governance issues and any concerns raised by staffs on top of discussing the main progresses of the directorate.
Citizens' charter
The Maternal, Child health and Nutrition directorate citizens' charter is a guiding document based on the vision, mission and value of the Federal Ministry of Health to serve its clients. The directorate strives to serve its esteemed clients based on the following guiding principles:
- A polite and professional way of service clients of the directorate
- Provide the right and correct service
- To be abided by the values of the Ministry of Health
- Provide quick response to clients
- Strive for quality
- Take responsibility and accountability
For further details on the principles and standards of service by the directorate, please click CITIZENS' CHARTER.