The goal of Saving Lives through Safe Surgery (SaLTS) flagship initiative is to make emergency and essential surgical and anesthesia care accessible and affordable as part of the universal health coverage. The SaLTS strategic plan focuses on availing a package of essential and emergency surgical and anesthesia care at all levels of the Ethiopian health care delivery system. The plan places special emphasis on strengthening primary care to provide essential surgical care.
Major achievements under this initiative includes: National SaLTS Project team established under HSQD,5 years, SaLTS plan prepared and currently under implementation., National SaLTS TWG established and conducting regular meeting., SaLTS leadership/advisory committee/ is being established at regional and hospital level. Innovative way of Oxygen production system has been implemented in some hospitals. In addition, construction of 410 OR blocks at Health Center level and Renovation of major OR theatres are going on in different regions, OR equipment (OR tables and Anesthesia machines, ICU equipment) is also under the procurement process for these facilities to increase access to safe surgery. Seven surgical indicators included in the National M and E tool and integrated to DHIS2 to track surgical services.