Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program offer a range of services for women of reproductive age living with or at risk of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B virus to maintain their health and stop their infants from acquiring HIV ,Syphilis and HBV. PMTCT services should be offered pre- conception and throughout pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding and has been identified as a viable intervention to reduce these infections through a four prong approach with their corresponding strategic interventions:
- Primary Prevention of HIV infection,
- Prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV,
- Prevention of HIV transmission from infected women to their infants and 4.Treatment, care and support of HIV infected women, their infants and their families
For providing all these strategic interventions the program is fostered by a short and long term plan with its own monitoring and evaluation tools for decision making in addition to the strategic guides as well as manuals for quality PMTCT health service interventions
New initiatives:
- Dual HIV and syphilis testing
- Integrating HBV testing, prophylaxis and treatment provision
- Strengthening POC site expansion to improve EID and catch up positives to start ART
- Implementation of CQI (Continuous quality improvement) Dash board and Mentorship
- Enhanced postnatal prophylaxis (Dual prophylaxis for HEI)
- Mother baby cohort analysis
- National EMTCT strategic plan
- National comprehensive and integrated prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV guideline
- Approved PMTCT Facilitator's guide and approved PMTCT training participant manual