
A discussion was held with senior members of the institution from Switzerland regarding the performance and implementation of the Global Fund

Global Fund

Lyndon Morrison, Head of Department of High Impact Africa and head of the delegation, said in a discussion with a group of senior management and experts from the Global Fund's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, that Ethiopia has faced various problems, but they are happy because of the good performance of the health programs supported by the Global Fund.

The winter, work of renovating the homes of the destitute has been started

Dr. Lia Tadesse

The Ministry of Health and responsible institutions have launched a program to rehabilitate the homes of the indigent through summer volunteering in Lideta sub-city, district 5. The program has been launched by the Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadese 

Minister of Health Dr. Lia Tadese, Minister of State Dr. Ayele Tessome and officials of the respondent institutions and other officials and employees were present at the program.