Health Infrastructure: According to the 2012 (EFY) Health and Health Related Indicators published by MoH, Harar has two hospitals, eight health centers and 28 health posts.
Capital City: Harar
Population: Based on 2012 (EFY) figures from the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia, the Harar Region has an estimated total population of 263,657 consisting of 100,126 male and 98,854 female. 49.5% of the population is estimated to be rural inhabitants, while 50.5% are urban dwellers (CSA 2017).
Area: An estimated area of 333.94 square kilometers, this region has an estimated density of 595.9 people per square kilometer.
Contact Information
Harar Regional Health Bureau
P.O. Box 894
Harar, Ethiopia
Telephone: +25125-6-661732
Fax: +25125-6-662068