Identified thematic areas for volunteer service in the health system of Ethiopia
- Improve health service delivery
- Improve Health infrastructure
- Improve medical supplies and equipment
- Support Human resource for health
- Facilitate for green health facility to make conducive work environment and contribute for greening country legacy
Recommendation for Duration of Volunteer Roles
Short – Term Voluntary Services (1 hour per/day – 3 month)
- Can be from 1 hour per day to 3 months long
- Generally, does not require volunteers to have specific educational or professional qualification
- It may participate under 18 year’s old volunteers.
Mid – Term Voluntary Services (3month – 6 months)
- Can be from 3 months to 6 months long
- May require skills-based or service-based volunteers who provide capacity building services
- May require specific skills set or qualifications.
Long – Term Voluntary Services (6 months + )
- Requires volunteers to have specific educational or professional qualifications.
- Usually involves the transfer of required skills and knowledge to individuals and groups over a longer time period e.g. six months or more.