Mr. Geremew Uga has been an Institutional Reform Executive Officer of the Ministry of Health since December 2022. Previously, he served as an Ethiopian Parliament Member from September 2010 to September 2021 and was a member of the Educational Standing Committee for 5 years as well as the Peace and Foreign Relations Standing Committee for 6 years.
Mr. Geremew served as a clinical nurse for 20 years, but after a while, he changed his educational background to management and specialized in development management (MA).
Mr. Geremew served as a leader at different levels of the health sector with over 20 years of work experience. Since September 2009 to September 2010, he served as head of the Oromia region Illu Abbaboor zone health department, and also, from November 2008 to September 2009, he served as vice head of the Oromia region Illu Abbaboor zone health department. He has worked as head of the Oromia region Illu Abbaboor Yayo-Hurumu Woreda Health Office since December 2007 to December 2009. He also served as HIV/AIDS control and prevention coordinator from 2004 to 2007 at the same woreda. At the very beginning, he worked at clinic level as head (at the health station) from July 1991 to 2003. Generally, Mr. Geremew served his country tirelessly for thirty-two years in government organizations.