Minister of Health Dr. Mekdes Daba met with the Last Mile Health delegation at her office.
Last Mile Health is an organization that works with governments to build strong community health systems by facilitating blended training of skilled community health workers to provide primary health care to communities living far from urban areas; it works to ensure that health workers are accessible to all communities everywhere.
Last Miles Health is conducting a blended training for health extension workers, funded by the Gates Foundation, to provide additional health extension workers with the training that Last Miles is currently providing in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with Last Mile Health, has so far trained 8,000 health extension workers, said Health Minister Dr. Mekdes Daba; with the support received from the Gates Foundation, it will be possible to train an additional 6,000 health extension workers. Dr. Mekdes added that an agreement was reached with Last Mile Health to expand the scope of training for the health workers.
James Nardella, Chief Program Officer of Last Mile Health, stated that the training for health extension workers will enable the workers to gain additional knowledge and provide better services to the community; he said that the training will be provided using new digital technologies.