Dr. Avraham Niguse, Israel's ambassador to Ethiopia, reminded that Ethiopia and Israel have a strong historical relationship. He said that the friendship between the two countries is stronger than ever.
The ambassador explained that the health sector is one of the most important sectors in which the two countries work together. He stated that support has been given to cardiology, pediatric intensive care and maternal health, as well as rehabilitation.
It was stated in the discussion that the Save Children's Heart mission team, which has been able to provide treatment to more than 1000 heart patients in Ethiopia, has provided treatment for heart patients, professional training, and heart surgery at the Black Lion Heart Center. At the same time, the delegation also announced the supply of neonatal intensive care unit equipment and the training of experts in the field.
On behalf of the community, the officials expressed their gratitude for the support provided by the medical mission team in various parts of our country. It has been stated that the Ministry of Health will continue to work in cooperation with Save Children's Heart and JDC.