State Minister of Health, Dr. Dereje Duguma, who launched a nationwide vaccination campaign under the motto of creating a polio-free world, in Awassa and Gidio Zone, Dilla, Sidama State, said the Ministry of Health is focusing on eradicating polio from the country through regular immunization and vaccination campaigns.
He said polio has been eradicated in the past years and polio eradication is being implemented in a coordinated manner with health facilities and partners in order to eradicate polio, adding he said that the government is working hard to eradicate polio from children in various parts of the country.
Strengthening routine immunization services, strengthening polio immunization campaigns for children are among the strategies to eradicate polio, he said, adding that strengthening polio immunization campaigns and strengthening immunization services with neighboring countries are key activities.
He called on the community to immunize children under the age of five, adding that the annual International Polio Day, which is celebrated every year on October 12, will strengthen our efforts to eradicate polio.
The campaign has officially launched a vaccination campaign for children under the age of five in Gediyo Zone, Dilla City Health Center and Sidama Region, Hawassa City Hospital. Institute of Public Health, Southern Regional Health Bureau, Sidama Regional Health Bureau, World Health Organization, Rotary International, UNICEF and Core Team leaders attended and delivered a mes