The forum is prepared by the cooperation of the Ethiopian government and the African Development Bank with the aim of sharing the good experiences gained through the Sekota Declaration with other African countries to avoid poverty at the African level, to increase human resources, and to accelerate the development of the sector. It was presented on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, USA.
At the forum, the general experience of Ethiopia's multifaceted cooperation and response to reduce the rate of malnourishment was presented. The good experiences gained through the agreement of the Sekota Declaration were presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of EFDRE, Mr. Demeke Mekonnon.
The leaders of African countries, the president of the African Development Bank, representatives of the African Union and partners were present at the forum, and they pledged to work to eliminate malnutrition, which is causing serious health, social and economic damage in Africa, by allocating the necessary resources and giving attention to the food system and an integrated multi-faceted response to the food system.