To see a healthy, productive, and prosperous society.
To promote the health and wellbeing of Ethiopians through realizing high quality, responsive and accountable health system that result in improved health outcomes, confidence in the system and economic benefit to all segments of the population.
To realize high quality Health system and provision of equitable Health service through creating coordinated and integrated stakeholder engagement and partnership mechanisms, generating policy options and conducting advocacy works, improving leadership and management implementation capacities and identifying, developing, and implementing new technologies that support health system improvement.
Role and Responsibility;
- Coordinate desks under the lead executive office and creating coordinated and integrated planning, implementation, monitoring and learning mechanisms.
- Develop, get approved, cascade, implement and monitor annual plan and budget of the lead executive office.
- Regularly review activity performance of the lead executive desks
- Provide special capacity building support to the head of desks through identifying gaps in capacity.
- Design and implement new implementation approaches and strategies through summarizing Global best practices and lessons.
- Identify and scale up best practices and lessons.
- Identify gaps in the provision of services through monitoring and devise, implement and monitor correctives measures.
- Engage in the MOH management committee to ensure Joint decision making on strategic issues and to provide advisory services,
- Jointly develop, review and approve MOH strategic plans
- Review implementation of MOH projects through participating in MC meetings.
- Engage at the time of MOH plan review by the Houses of peoples representative and PM offices and provide explanation on Technical matters
- Review the rules and regulation developed by the Human resource leadership and brought it to the concerned bodies for decision making.
- Improve Health systems quality, Equity and access through
- Coordinating the development of policies, strategies, Guidelines, protocols and packages aimed to improve Health systems quality, equity and access.
- Through providing coordination and leadership of stakeholders,
- Ensuring the health sector implementation framework will realize the provision of high quality, equitable and accessible services through providing coordination and leadership of all stakeholders
- Ensuring the identification, documentation and scale up of best practices on the areas of Health systems quality, and equitable access to services.
- Establishing Health facility accreditation system in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and provide support package to the health facilities to be accredited.
- Tracking of Healthcare quality through developing and implementing quality adjusted measures and Dashboards.
- Generate policy ideas and options on health system quality, equity and access and conduct advocacy activities.
- Provide leadership and direction in the generation of policy and research ideas in the areas of Health system quality and equitable access, and in the implementation of research and use of evidence for decision making.
- Provides leadership, sets direction, develops research results and uses the results for decision making.
- Identifying and mapping governmental and governmental organization towards the implementation of health system quality and equitable access focus areas through undertaking joint forums, joint decision-making exercises and participating in in-country and oversee experience sharing platforms.
- Undertaking Signing and approval of Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Governmental and Non-Governmental organization supported projects on the areas of Health system Quality, and equitable access and lead the development of proposals for resource mobilization.
- Conduct high level advocacy on the prioritized areas of Health system quality and equitable access to services and monitor the advocation results.
- Lead and coordinate the development and dissemination of Health system quality and equitable access related short messages to be transmitted on mass media platforms.
- Provide leadership support on the areas of public advocacy, awareness creation and social movement activities and evaluate its implementation.
- Improve implementation capacity at all levels through providing follow up support and monitoring
- Provide leadership and monitoring support activities at all levels of the health system, including provision of feedback on identified gaps and monitor implementation of feedback.
- Provide leadership and monitoring support towards the designing, implementation of new projects related to Health system quality and equitable access to services.
- Identify gaps in the capacities of health system quality and equity and access, provide leadership and direction on the design of training materials, verify and approved through continuous professional development desk with credit.
- Provide capacity building training on healthcare quality improvement and ensure to bring quality culture
- Identify technical, financial, inputs and infrastructure related needs of special support population groups or areas and provide support accordingly.\
- Ensure the integration concepts of Health system quality and equitable acess in to the broader health system implementation frameworks through conducting awareness creation activities.
- Improve the health sector leadership implementation capacity
- Develop Health sector leadership gap identification criteria to identify skill and competency gaps.
- To identify and provide capacity building support for fellow professionals who have the inclination and interest in leadership roles.
- Develop strategies that will help to establish leadership accountability at all levels of the health sector and monitor its implementation.
- Develop and implement guidelines on the criteria for assigning competent leadership in the health sector at all levels.
- Provide targeted leadership development activities for special support areas.
- Conduct activities to support on the Prevention, control and responding of epidemics and public health emergencies
- Provide on-site medical assistance and consultation at the time of public health outbreak and emergency (Mass causality).
- Provide technical advice on public health surveillance and response activities through participation on the occurrence of public health emergency.
- Develop and disseminate emergency alert messages to create awareness of the community on public health emergency
- Ensure the engagement of relevant institutions in emergency situations requiring multi-sectorial responses activities.
- Provide essential medical supplies and equipment for responding to epidemics and public health emergencies
- Provide behavioral changes on risks, life style changes and unhealth practices
- Provide support for post-epidemic and emergency rehabilitation activities.