“To see women, children, youth and persons with different types of Impairment/ disability equally participate and benefit from the health services of the highest possible quality equitably."
To ensure that women, children, youth, and Persons with disability-related issues are effectively addressed and, mainstreamed in all policies and programs implemented by the health sector and realize that women are empowered to shoulder decision-making positions.
Key Strategic Objectives
The key strategic objective of the Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office will be directed as the following main focuses: -
- Strengthen Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation of Executive Office structures at all levels,
- Mainstreaming gender, women, children, youth, and Disability in all programs, systems, and activities,
- Women and youth empowerment,
- Child health rights protection,
- Creating a conducive workplace environment for women,
- Creating accessible health services for people with disabilities.
- Provide necessary support for the elderly, street children, internally displaced people, and prison inmates.
Key Recommendations for Strategic Inputs
Valuable results were attained in improving the status of women/girls, youth, children, and persons with disability,
- Mainstream the issue of Women’s, Children, Youth, and disability-related issues across the health system,
- Capacity building for the health workforce,
- Generation and utilization of strategic information including research,
- Health Sector Women, children, youth affairs and, disability-related issue coordination,
- Promote women empowerment at all levels of health structure,
- Strengthen partnership and networking,
- Facilitate resource mobilization for effective and efficient utilization,
- Ensure gender mainstreaming through gender audit,
- Ensure child health rights through establishing Day Care and breastfeeding corners,
- Ensure gender-based violence health response by developing a strategic plan,
- Ensure accessible health services for people with different types of Impairment/ disabilities.
- Promote and advocate accessible health services for elderlies, street children, prison inmates as well as internally displaced people.
The Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office has two teams.
1. Women's Team
2. Social Affairs Team
Major Roles and Responsibilities
- Working in collaboration with Federal Hospitals and Agencies as well as regional & city administration Health Bureaus Women and Social affairs inclusive Implementation Executive Office Structures and conducting a consultative workshop every 3 months,
- Provide support, follow-up, and provide feedback to strengthen Women and Social Affair Inclusive Implementation Executive Office structures of the Federal Agencies, Hospitals, and regional & city administration health bureaus,
- Preparing a strategic and annual plan for the Executive Office in collaboration with structure, stakeholders, and partners and cascading to the structure,
- Provide modularized and standardized training on gender-based violence for health service providers,
- Provide capacity-building training to health sector professionals to mainstream the issue of women, children, youth, and disability-related issues,
- Establish and Strengthening Day Cares and breastfeeding corners,
- Strengthen and expand one-stop centers for the prevention and response of Gender-Based Violence/Sexual Violence (GBV/SV)
- Develop a guideline in relation to a child from a Health perspective,
- Establish a system for preventing sexual harassment and implement an awareness-raising mechanism on gender-based violence,
- Develop a National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Response of Sexual Violence,
- Empower women to be competent and qualified,
- Ensure equitable, accessible, and affordable access to health services for persons with disabilities.
- Strengthening internal coordination with the relevant Executive Office of the Ministry,
- Strengthen coordination with partner organizations and stakeholders.
- Conduct health sector gender Audit,
- Conduct gender analysis in different thematic areas,
- Conduct research and surveys to empower women, youth, and persons with disabilities,
- Monitor and evaluate all activities of the Women and Social Affairs Inclusive Implementation Executive Office and structures regularly and determine new methods to improve performance.