To see improved health status of the population through evidence based planning and decision making
To promote evidence based planning and ensure evidence based decision making through institutionalizing a functional one plan, one report and one budget principles in the health sector. These are mainly achieved by improving access to and use of quality data, improved capacity of data management at all levels, improved monitoring and evaluation practices, standardization of routine data aggregation and reporting mechanisms, conducting researches and evaluations.
The Policy plan, Monitoring and Evaluation directorateis one of the core business process at Ministry level with the major responsibility of managing policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation activities which are described below.
Policy formulation and review: Health sector policy formulation and review tasks are among the key regulatory functions that are placed under the mandate of the PPMED. The directorate coordinate and lead any policy related dialogue, review and when needed revision in line with the overall the country socio-economic development and the changing dynamics of health.
Strategic and Operational Planning: The other responsibility of the directorate is developing health sector strategies and plans consistent with the health policy of the country. The directorate is responsible to lead and coordinate a 20-year strategic framework for the health sector which will be broken into five-year strategic plans. The Directorate also leads the development of annual plan from the Five-year strategic plan down to the health system.
Monitoring: The other key function or role of the directorate is routine monitoring of the Annual and strategic plan. This involves several tasks, including routine data collection and aggregation, performance monitoring, performance review, supportive supervision, data quality, data management and analysis, data use dissemination and communications a major component.
Evaluation: is one of the key responsibilities of PPMED at MoH. The directorate leads and coordinates different evaluation mechanisms to assess the status of the strategic plan progress and targets set at outcome or impact level. The major Evaluations that coordinated by the directorate include Joint FMOH-HPN Review Mission (JRM), Mid-Term Review (MTR) and Final Evaluation of the strategic plan. Moreover the directorate coordinates and leads operation research and also proactively engage in national level survey, surveillance and other research.
Coordinate Stakeholders engagement: The policy plan, Monitoring and Evaluation coordinate the stakeholder engagement in the implementation of the strategic plan of the sector. The ministry has different governance to be used as engagement platform with in the sector and Development partners. Among the forums Joint steering committee, Joint core coordinating committee, Joint consultative forum are the major high-level engagement forums at national level.