The support costs three million US dollars and it is known that it is the support of Ten Colored Gene Expert Machines, which can quickly detect TB disease through rapid molecular diagnosis of TB. It has been stated that the gene expert machines obtained will be transferred to health institutions in affected regions and areas where TB is prevalent.
The State Minister of Health, Dr. Dereje Duguma, said at the support handover ceremony that the Ministry of Health has prepared a new 7-year strategic plan to eradicate tuberculosis and that USAID Ethiopia played a key role in the new strategic plan; and the plan requires effective implementation, he said.
Dr. Dereje added that the support of 156 tens colour gene expert machines provided by USAID today will greatly contribute to narrowing the gap in access to rapid molecular TB tests. Dr. Dereje said that the support shows USAID's determination to eliminate TB from Ethiopia. The direct support from USAID has brought the number of Genexpert machines to 391. For this, the Ministry of Health of the Ethiopian Government would like to thank the American people and the American government as well as USAID for their good and valuable support.
USAID's support for TB is not limited to the expansion of TB testing, but to strengthen the capacity of hospitals that provide treatment and care for drug-resistant TB or MDR-TB patients, and has been investing heavily for years in expanding high-quality drug-resistant TB care services, Alert Comprehensive Specialized Hospital manager Dr. Shimeles Gezahegn said. He pointed out that Alert Comprehensive Specialized Hospital has enough medical experts in the field, but the limitation of resources is an obstacle for the hospital to use its full capacity to provide services to those who need treatment. Dr. Shimeles thanked USAID for all the support and said that modern improved treatments, operating room and equipment, beds and other support are needed to treat TB.
USAID Ethiopia Mission Director Mr. Scott Hocklander, on his part, reminded that Ethiopia and the United States have had relations for more than a hundred years and expressed that they are working in partnership in various health sectors to strengthen the health system. It is stated that the American government will invest two hundred million dollars every year to support Ethiopia's health system; As part of this, support for the prevention and control of TB disease has been announced to support the fight to eradicate TB. He stated that the support will contribute to the prevention and control of the disease in addition to the importance given to the patients.
Mr. Scott Hocklander appreciated the change in the prevention and control of TB in the country in stopping the spread of the disease and the resulting death and thanked the cooperation that is being done in the field. He expressed that USAID's support and solidarity will continue for the fight to end TB in Ethiopia.
A visit was made to the medical department, intensive care unit and laboratory, as well as the training centre of the medical professionals, and the grant handover ceremony was also held.