The Council of Ministers has issued regulation No 144/2007 in accordance with Definitions of Powers and Duties of the Executive organs of the FDRE
Objectives of Ethics Liaison directorate
- To create employees who do not condon corruption by promoting ethics and anti-Computation education, work discipline, professional ethics, consciousness of serving the public and sense of duty among employees
- Prevent corruption & impropriety and
- If happened to expose and investigate for appropriate actions to be taken against perpetrators.
Ethics Liaison Directorate
Is accountable for the head of the of the Ministry and Federal Ethics and Anti- corruption Commission It will have a work relationship with regional health bureaus, agencies and Federal Hospital ethics liaison directors, officers & or delegates and shall have the following main functions:
- Raising the awareness of officers and staffs on good conduct, anti - corruption policies, laws, regulations and directions and on harmful effects of corruption.
- Following- up the implementation of the aforementioned legal frameworks including working manuals and directives of the ministry and advise the head of the ministry (ministers)
- Prepare & cause the adoption of code of conduct of officials and employees and following up its implementation
- Initiate and submit research proposals to FEACC and make the ministers know the same immediately
- Conduct research proposal on ways of correcting working procedures vulnerable to corruption and impropriety on its own or with the cooperation of others and submit recommendation to the ministers and up on approval, following up its implementation.
- Advise ministers on ways of improving the governance and service delivery of the demands of the ministry with the view to making them responsive to the demands of the public;
- See it to that there is no partiality in service deliveries, and report if there is any finding of such partiality.
- Record and report any incident of corruption it has observed or brought to its attention through whistle blowing to the Crime Investigation Department of Federal Police, FEACC and the ministers and following –up the case.
- Advise ministers on ways of promoting ethics, Strengthening sense of duty and the protection of employees from reprisal measures so as to encourage disclosure of corruption
- Oversee that no influence is made on an employee who exposed corruption and ethical infractions; report to the ministers with concrete evidence the act of any person who influence or punish and follows up measures taken against him;
- Where the influence is from the ministers, it shall report to the commission or the relevant organ of investigation.
- Receive and verify reports on ethical violations in accordance with the rules and directives of the ministry; submit recommendations on further investigation and measures to be taken & follow –up the implement action.
- With respect to recruitment, promotion, transfer or training of employees, procurement of goods & services or the execution of other contracts, where it believes that rules procedures are violated it shall report to the ministers with its recommendations on the re-certification of the irregularities and follow-up the implementation.
- Follow-up measures taken based on audit findings (both internal and external auditors) as well as the reports of disciplinary and grievance committees and decisions based thereon report to the ministers with copies to the commission and the supervising authority.
- Maintain list and detail information of officers and employees who may be regarded as vanguard and exemplary in combating corruption and impropriety, make the minster know about the circumstances and submit to the commission when requested.
- Registering assets of all appointees and employees & issuance of certificate