Health and Health Related Institutions and Professionals Regulatory Lead Executive Office is established to regulate health and health related institutions and professionals which are under the federal government; assess the competency of health professionals and support regional health regulatory bodies to establish a strong regulatory system nationally. The Lead Executive Office has four desks; Health Institutions and Professionals Regulation Desk, Health Related Institutions Regulation Desk, Exam Development and Administration Desk, and Health Professionals Registrar Desk.
To see safe and high quality health and health-related services delivered to the public through competent and ethical health professionals.
To protect the public by ensuring safety and quality of health and health-related services through regulation of health and health-related institutions and professionals, provision of competency assessment examination, community participation, collaboration, and provision of up-to-date regulatory information.
- Protect the public through enforcement of regulatory laws and implementation of national health institutions standards
- Safeguard the public through enforcement of regulatory laws and implementation of national hygiene and environmental health standards of health-related institutions
- Ensure health professionals competency and ethics
Roles and Responsibilities
- Regulating health institutions which are under the federal government (pre license inspection, issue and renew certificate of competency, post license inspection, clinical audit, follow the correction of identified gaps and take administrative measures when necessary)
- Regulating hygiene and environmental health of health-related institutions which are under the federal government (university, prison, refugee camp, hotels above four-star, food and drinking establishments at international airports) and follow the correction of identified gaps and take administrative measures when necessary.
- Support the development and revision of national health and health related institutions standards in collaboration with Institute of Ethiopian Standards and ensure its implementation across the country
- Establish health and health related institutions’ self-regulation system
- Register national health institutions information using a database system (Master Facility Registry) and avail full national data
- Registration and licensing of health professionals who come from abroad
- Overseeing health professionals registration and licensing process across the country
- Developing qualified exams based on the blue print which emanates from the task analysis.
- Administering health professionals licensure examination
- Facilitate digitalization of the regulatory system
- Capacitating the regional health regulatory bodies (training, technical and financial support)
- Facilitating the development of national regulatory laws (proclamation, regulation, directive, guideline, manual, etc.) and ensuring the implementation of these laws
- Advocating the regulatory laws including rights and duties of the actors in the health service delivery process.